Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot launched the ‘Padharo Mhare Des’ digital concert series for COVID-19 relief on Sunday, a move to support the Rajasthani folk artists.
As per an official release, the digital concert series is an initiative to nurture the inherent talent of the Rajasthani folk artists by Manesha A Agarwal’s Arpan Foundation.
During the launch event, the Chief Minister iterated the economic support the artists would get after the uncertain times of the lockdown induced by Covid-19 pandemic. Ashok Gehlot stated, “Folk artists are solely dependent on their art for livelihood. This is a unique concept to support such folk artists during the Coronavirus crisis. Such initiatives can play a crucial role in the growth of art forms in the state and promote virtual tourism.”
The concert series will witness the participation of very renowned folk artists based in Rajasthan. Some of them include Manesha Ram and group – Meghvals of Jaisalmer, Dapu Khan Mirasi of the ‘Mumal’ fame and band termed – Langas of Jodhpur, Thanu Khan and Tarif Khan representing Chala Mama Project, along with Sugni Devi – the singing sensation of the Kalbeliyas – Jodhpur and Mehboob Khan Langa.
“We are extremely grateful to CM Gehlot ji for supporting this initiative. He has always endorsed the state’s art and culture and his support is encouraging for the folk artists and us,” said Agarwal, the founder Arpan Foundation.
The concert series, ‘Padhar Mhare Des’ will give a chance of performance for as many as 70 folk artists based from the interiors of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer and Barmer.
(With inputs from ANI agency)