Union Cabinet led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday gave the approval for signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with Japan, over an elementary framework towards the partnership for efficient operation of the system regarding ‘Specified Skilled Worker’.
The formalized Memorandum of Cooperation(MOC) will prepare an institutional mechanism regarding partnership and cooperation amid India and Japan for exchange of skilled Indian workers with the required qualification and has passed the Japanese language test, which will give them the opportunity to work in fourteen specified sectors in Japan, according to the official statement. The skilled and qualified Indians will be given the special status of ‘Specified Skilled Worker’ as a residence status in Japan.
The objective of formalizing MOC is to have an increase in people-to-people contacts, to nurture mobility of workers and skilled professionals from India to Japan.
The statement further added that the skilled workers will have enhanced job opportunities in Japan in fourteen sectors which includes Nursing care, Building cleaning, Industrial machinery manufacturing industry, Material processing Industry, Electric and Electronic information pertaining to industry, Construction, Ship building and ship related industry, Aviation, Lodging, Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Beverages manufacturing Industry and Food service industry.