Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed on Thursday about the several measures being taken in the Union Budget 2021which will be for the empowerment of the farmers. This comes at a time when the farmers are protesting along the borders of New Delhi for over two months now demanding for revoking the farm laws, where several round of talks have been inconclusive.
PM Modi addressed the inauguration of the Chauri Chaura centenary celebrations via the mode of video conferencing, where he also unleashed a stamp to commemorate the occasion. PM Modi said, “For the mandis to become markets of profit for farmers, the Central government has decided to connect over 1,000 mandis with eNAM (online agriculture trading platform). Farmers will be able to sell their produce with ease anywhere in the country.”
The government has taken various actions over a span of six years to make the farmers more self-reliant and self-dependent. Modi highlighted that farmers continue to contribute with record gain production even during the pandemic.
He said, “To develop rural areas, the Centre has allocated ₹40,000 crore for development of rural infrastructure. Farmers will directly benefit from investment in the infrastructure sector. The decision of the Centre will make farmers ‘atmanirbhar’ (self-dependent). Agriculture will turn into a profitable venture for farmers.”
“Efforts of the government are changing the scenario in Gorakhpur region, known as the land of revolutionaries. Earlier, factories were closed, roads were damaged and hospitals remained closed. Now, Gorakhpur fertiliser factory is starting. Farmers will benefit and the young will get employment,” PM further added.
While addressing the subject of Union Budget, Modi stated, “Before the budget was presented, several experts said the country has faced a crisis and the Centre will have to increase taxes, put burden on the common man. But the Centre ensured that no burden was put on the people.”
In his speech, Modi also spoke about the work done by the previous governments, “For decades, the budget meant launch of projects or programmes in the names of a few people. The budget had virtually turned into a ‘baahi-khata’ (account book) of income and expenditure.”
Modi added, ““Even common people prepare income and expenditure of their household, keeping in mind their present and future needs. But previours governments had made the budget a medium of announcements that were not fulfilled.”
The Chauri Chaura incident will be an important landmark in the history of India’s freedom struggle. On February 4, 1922, supporters of the Non-cooperation movement clashed with police which led to fire, whereby by the protesters retaliated and burned down the Chauri-Chaura police station, in which 23 died. From the remaining, 228 were subjected to trials, in which 172 had been executed, six died amid the trial and the others were given life imprisonment.