The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on Wednesday declared that more than Rs 41 crore will be allotted from the PM CARES fund for creating a couple of 250- bed makeshift Covid-19 hospitals which will be built in Murshidabad and Kalyani in West Bengal. Although the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) will be establishing the hospitals, the PMO revealed that some support in terms of infrastructure would be provided by the state government and the Central government.
In a statement, the PMO stated, “This proposal will augment health infrastructure in West Bengal to effectively manage the COVID situation.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be introducing a Customized Crash Course programme for assisting the Covid-19 frontline workers and addressing the issue of shortage of medical staff scheduled for June 18. The course will be taught at as many as 111 training centres across more than 26 states.
The statement said, “The programme aims to skill and upskill over one lakh Covid warriors across the country. The training will be imparted to Covid warriors in six customised job roles namely Home Care Support, Basic Care Support, Advanced Care Support, Emergency Care Support, Sample Collection Support, and Medical Equipment Support.”