The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has claimed about the prevalence of the scam adhering to acquiring the medical instruments in Karnataka by the Department of Logistics and Warehousing which will be under Health Minister K Sudhakar. AAP Karnataka President Mohan Dasari claimed that the procurement of medical devices under Sudhakar is an instance when the power is misused wherein the government protocols were not considered inclining to a specific corporation. Dasari alleged a loss of Rs 25 crore to the state amid the process.
The State Health Department had acquired Blood and Hematology instruments given by a Japanese firm. The Karnataka Government purchased the three part instrument via tenders worth Rs 2 lakh each, while the five part is worth Rs 8 lakh. Overall, 1,210 Hematology instruments were acquired by the Karnataka Government.
Mohan Dasari said, “The Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and New Delhi governments procured the same instruments from the same firm for half the price. Karnataka government in the procurement of these instruments is spending over Rs 25 crore more than the market price. The tender was announced as a short-term wherein qualifications cannot be changed as mentioned in KPTT Act. And a single-bidder tender cannot be passed either. However, the norms were flouted.”
He claimed the vested interests of the minister invoked passing the tender. He added, “It is clear that there is a vested interest of Sudhakar in dealing with the firm for a commission. From the date of purchase, the equipment has to be delivered and installed within 21 days. It’s been two months since the order was passed in February and only 40% of the order has been delivered and even, those instruments have not been installed said the hospital staff when we contacted them.”
AAP has asked for the state government to initiate an investigation adhering to the irregularities about the finances of the Health Ministry amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The party state President stated about filing a complaint to the Anti-Corruption Bureau and Lokayukta to “fight the corruption in the Health Ministry legally if the government does not probe into this.”