Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar called for Uttar Pradesh Chief minister Yogi Adityanath and went to discuss the possibilities at a ity hotel regarding the numerous possibilities of film shooting in the Northern State.
Yogi Adityanath was present in the hotel for launching a Rs 200 crores Lucknow Municipal Bond at Bombay Stock Exchange scheduled for Wednesday and also planned to have a meeting with various industrialists.
As per the details revealed by the release directed by UP’s Information and Public Relations Department, they had a very long and productive discussion about the possibilities of film shooting.
From the release, Adityanath stated, “Under our state’s Film Policy 2018, we are encouraging more activities related to films and their production. Local residents and actors also benefit from this as it would give them an opportunity to showcase their talent and have secure employment. We are ensuring that producers and filmmakers shooting in Uttar Pradesh are provided with all amentites and support.”
Amid the discussion, Aditya took the opportunity to appreciate Kumar’s acting in the film “Toilet: Ek Prem Katha” which provided inspiration and social message for the common people. Akshya Kumar further expressed his happiness over the CM’s approval for building a ‘film city’ in the state.