Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday conducted a small review about the current Covid-19 situation in the country with a spike in the Covid-19 cases in a number of cases.
Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan, Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and top officials of two ministers attended the review meeting.
The Home Minister is taking stock of the Covid situation in the country, specifically in the states which have observed a surge in the cases recently, according to the reports released by the home ministry official.
The official said the current vaccination drive and the measures needed to verify further the contagion of the virus as per the discussion in the meeting.
The possible assistance and support to be given to the states who have been affected was a very important part of the meeting discussion.
Presently, there have been reports about the increase in the Covid-19 cases for several states which comprises of Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Chhatishgarh and Madhya Pradesh.