The civic body in Bengaluru, Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) is conducting a special vaccination campaign, commencing from June 21, to accelerate the inoculation of the people mentioned in the priority list by the Karnataka government which covers hotel staff, police officials, their family members and street vendors. Amid a virtual meeting held on June 20, BBMP chief commissioner Gaurav Gupta directed the concerned officials to make all the necessary arrangements following the Covid-19 guidelines for creating camps to vaccinate the beneficiaries. BBMP will facilitate vaccination with the idea of microplans in the eight zones, setting up of camps and allocating teams accordingly, said Gaurav Gupta.
With this initiative, the BBMP has planned to complete the vaccination of as many as 65,000 beneficiaries in a single day.
Gupta said the camps need to be organized to vaccinate street vendors, garment workers, cab and auto drivers, vendors in the APMC markets, bank staff, hotel staff, and construction workers, and that should proceed without any block. BBMP plans to create 300 camps throughout the eight zones of the city.
The BBMP chief stated the local residents need to be informed about the vaccination camps. He iterated the Marshals need to be allotted at these vaccination centres to assure Covid-19 appropriate behaviour which includes social distancing and wearing face masks is abided by. He mentioned the senior officials should periodically visit the sites and review the ongoing vaccination process.
In a statement, the BBMP said, “As per the direction of the Union government, a nationwide vaccination campaign is being conducted on June 21. Priority is being given to those above 45 years of age.”
“The vaccination of beneficiaries who are to receive a second dose, vaccination of health workers and frontline workers, eligible beneficiaries recognised by the government in the age group of 18 to 44 years, and the frontline workers who’ve worked in the health sector will be vaccinated as per government directions,” the statement added.
Gupta also marked they are now vaccinating first dose of Covaxin for the ones with above 45 years of age group.