The Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL), managing the operations of Kempegowda International Airport revealed it has already accomplished the net energy neutral status from December 2020. In a statement, BIAL said, ““As part of its sustainability goals, BIAL has set the target to become Net Energy Neutral by 2020-21. As an outcome of energy conservation, BIAL has been able to save nearly 22 lakh units of energy in the financial year 2020-21, enough to power nearly 9,000 houses for a month.”
BIAL further added the airport had saved around 5 lakh units from lightning, and also enforced chiller plant optimization in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), which eventually led to saving around 17 lakh units (KWH).
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of BIAL, Hari Marar said, “As we expand our operations at Bengaluru Airport, we aim to remain the flagbearer of sustainable operations. We have put in place various measures to reduce the carbon footprint and protect our environment. Energy security is an important aspect of our business as it is one of the key indicators to assess our sustainability levels.”
BIAL said he energy consumption from solar power has increased to more than 50 million units via on-site and off-site Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). BIAL has also made a PPA agreement for procuring additional 20 million units of wind power via open access from January 2020.