Bengaluru city police commissioner Kamal Pant will be available live on Twitter by tagging the handle #AskCPBlr for live interaction with the citizens scheduled for this Saturday between 11 am to 12 noon.
Kamal Pant took to Twitter to share the news, “Mark your calendars! Join me for another live session to discuss your concerns and queries about BCP, and to share your suggestions to improve our city.”
Pant also broached about launch of ‘Monthly Public Interaction Day’ will be held on every fourth Saturday of the month.
Pant tweeted, “Bengaluru city police introduces ‘Maasika Janasamparka Divas’ (Monthly Public Interaction Day) to be observed on the fourth Saturday of every month to render citizens an opportunity to visit police stations across the city and seek information from us.”
The timings for the interaction will be from 11 am to 1 pm. Pant said, the members of the public can visit the police station and share law and order problems in their areas along with the inspector and senior police officers.
The interaction will also help the citizens get details with respect to the status of their on-going or pending cases. For the very first time, the city police has taken the initiative for the masses, so it must benefit them, Pant added.