Bengaluru, on Saturday registered a count of 149 deaths due to Covid-19, which has been the highest so far, along with another record of the count of 1,000 deaths triggered by Covid-19 infections right in the period of one month.
The rising concern with the surge in the cases for the city of Bengaluru is that the current active cases have surpassed two of the most severely affected cities in the country, both of which are under stringent lockdown for the week. However, in contrast, Bengaluru is only having weekend lockdowns and night curfew.
From the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the city of Bengaluru has recorded 6, 32, 923 cases from which 1, 62, 171 are the active cases from Saturday. When comparing the data with the present condition of Mumbai with active cases of 78,775 on Saturday as per the data tweeted by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, the active cases are nearly twice in Bengaluru.
Alongside, Delhi which is having a dire need of oxygen supply and is choking with the surge in the cases has around 93,080 active cases as per the data released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Bengaluru has around 75 per cent active cases than Delhi.
Based on the data released by Covid-19 patient spatial density conducted by Jeevan Raksha, initiated by Proxima, backed by Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Bengaluru has 300 cases of Covid-19 for every square kilometre.
As per the data released by Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Department, Bengaluru has registered a total of 1,093 deaths in the month of April and the cumulative death count after the onset of the pandemic is 5,723, which highlights that around one-fifth of the deaths took place in April alone.