Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa reached New Delhi on Sunday along with his Son Vijayendra for a meeting with BJP top brass regarding the approval for the expansion or reshuffling his Cabinet, which is a long delayed exercise.
Yediyurappa told the reporters that he would be having a meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP National President JP Nadda. He said, “I will discuss the party’s victory in the recently held Gram Panchayat elections. and will assure the leaders as I’m confident the party will win maximum seats in the coming Zilla and Taluk Panchayat elections.”
He also planned to finalize the candidates for the forthcoming Belagavi Lok Sabha, and Assembly bypolls of Maski and Rayabagh.
When broached about the cabinet expansion, the CM skipped the questions. He said, “everything will be discussed.”
Though sources told Media that the subject of cabinet expansion was not in the pre-decided agenda.
Recently, Yediyurappa had a discussion on the subject of cabinet expansion along with the Karnataka’s BJP national general secretary in-charge. If Yediyurappa gets the permit, the Cabinet expansion will be together with the Sankranti festival, revealed the sources.
In the 34-memeber cabinet, around 7 berths need to be occupied and over a dozen ministerial aspirants are eager for the post and pressurizing Yediyurappa. Yediyurappa has been blaming the party high command iterating that the expansion will happen only post the permit from the higher leaders. Also, there has not been much clarity if Yediyurappa will work on reshuffling or expansion of the cabinet.