Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing the nation on Monday, stated the Central Government will buy 75 percent of the overall vaccine production from the manufacturing companies and then supply it to the states free of cost and also take charge of the 25 percent work related with vaccination with the states. PM Modi said, “This arrangement will be implemented in the coming two weeks. In these two weeks, the central and state governments will together make necessary preparations according to the new guidelines.”
Starting from June 21, the Centre will supply free vaccines for all individuals above 18 years of age group. Modi further declared, “State governments will not have to spend anything on the vaccine. Crores of people of the country have got free vaccine till now and now people of 18 years of age will also join it. Only the government of India will provide free vaccine to all the countrymen.”
PM Modi’s address to the nation comes at a time when the country’s reporting decrease in the overall Covid-19 cases after the peak of the second wave of Covid-19.
He said Covid-19 has been the biggest pandemic in the last 100 years and the modern world has not experienced such a pandemic.
During his address, Modi said, “Our country has fought together on many fronts during such a big global pandemic—from making ventilators to preparing a network of laboratories—to create a new medical infrastructure during the pandemic which has been the worst in the last century. The country fought on a war-footing.”
India launched two Made-in-India vaccines in a span of one year and the government supported the manufacturers in every possible way. Modi added, “Our country and scientists have shown that India is not behind big countries. Today when I am talking to you, more than 23 crore vaccine doses have been given in the country.”
He further said, “If you look at the history of the last 50-60 years, you will know that it used to take decades for India to get the vaccine from abroad. Vaccine work used to be completed abroad, even then the work of vaccination could not start in our country.”
“Compared to the demand for vaccines all over the world today, the countries producing it and the companies making the vaccine are very few. Imagine that if we did not have a vaccine made in India right now, what would have happened in a huge country like India today?” Modi asked.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister’s Office made an announcement of Modi’s address at 5 pm today.