Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Tuesday warned the Union Territories about rising the Covid-19 cases and urged them to be more vigilant during the current situation as he addressed a review meeting for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in the federally regulated regions.
Bhalla suggested the UTs to learn from their experiences of tackling the pandemic, and further match up with the testing and vaccination rates, and also applying Covid-19 appropriate behaviour and further enhancing the medical infrastructure.
At the meeting, the management by Jammu and Kashmir was highly appreciated during the second wave of Covid-19 with 3,946 cases being recorded for one million population in more than two weeks. During the same period, the region recorded 62 deaths per million.
BVR Subrahmanyam, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Secretary said they have strengthened vaccination and testing capacities. He said, “The early detection of infection has allowed for timely medical intervention, whereas vaccination was found to reduce the severity of disease in patients… both strategies have been successful in restricting Covid-related fatalities in the UT.”
Subrahmanyam referred to timely response for the decrease in the Covid-19 cases from a high of 5,500 to 2,200 within a fortnight. He said more amount of cases are now being recorded in rural over urban areas. There is a plan to set up five-bedded Covid care facilities having a minimum of one oxygen-supporting bed at approximately 4,000 Panchayats for providing immediate medical care.