For the capital city of Karnataka, Bengaluru, had severe shortage of beds for Covid-19 hospitals, observes a turn round with thousands of beds lying unoccupied for Covid-19 treatment.
According to the officials, this update is an indication of the sharp declining trend of Covid-19 cases in the city, which is the most impacted district in Karnataka.
Randeep D, special commissioner at Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) said, “In a span of 30 days, bed occupancy in the city has fallen from 75% to 26%.” The lowering of cases, is induced by the high testing numbers and the precautions measured by the masses.
From the data revealed by BBMP records, currently there are 11,396 beds assigned for treating Covid-19 patients in the city, which comprises of 6,995 general beds, 3,285 high-dependency unit (HDU) beds, 592 ICU beds and 524 ventilator beds. From the overall assigned beds, 8,517 beds were recorded to be vacant as of November 9.
Tushar Girinath, the IAS officer-in-charge of patient transport stated, “The fall in occupancy is a clear indication of the decline in Covid cases but it is also happening because 80% of new patients prefer home isolation.”
Girinath added, “The pressure to provide beds has eased but that does not mean we are in the clear yet. The government is prepared for a potential surge in cases in the future.”
Alongside, the private hospitals have heightened anxiety for allocating the beds to non-Covid-19 patients.
Dr Ravindra, President of The Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association (PHANA) revealed the beds in medium and small hospitals in different parts of the state are left unused apart from the bed of the government quota. He said, “We have given a letter to the Chief Secretary asking that the government give back the beds or pay 25% of the rates for vacant beds.”