Karnataka is anticipated to receive 3 crore doses of Covid-19 vaccine for which the state government had placed orders, however, when asked about the time, Karnataka Chief Secretary P Ravi Kumar candidly stated, “Not days, but it could take months.”
While addressing the reporters, Kumar said, “We’re also waiting. I can’t say in how many days (we will receive the doses). It can take months also.”
Two crore doses of Covishield and one crore doses of Covaxin doses were ordered for the state of Karnataka. To which, Kumar said, “ Out of the three crore, we have received seven lakh doses.”
With the shortage of the vaccine doses, all the available vaccine doses will be utilized for the inoculation of the second dose for the people aged above 45 years.
Kumar said, “For the 45+ age category, our vaccine allotment for the first 15 days of the month is 13 lakh Covishield and one lakh Covaxin. We have received seven lakh Covishield and 80,000 Covaxin doses.”
He further said, “Whatever is coming now will be given to those who are due for the 2nd dose,” highlighting further that the on-site registration for vaccination is not available currently.
Kumar indicated it towards the manufacturing companies of the vaccine, saying, “We have placed orders. We need the companies to give us a schedule based on which we can plan.”
Regarding the status of the vaccination drive in the state of Karnataka which commenced on January 16, Kumar said, “In four months, we’ve received one crore doses… We will need 6.5 crore doses in all. It depends on the manufacturers, their production capacity and delivery schedule.”
On Tuesday, a plan for vaccination was finalized, emphasizing on the supplies, Kumar said, “If more vaccines are approved, then we will have more suppliers,” adding that two crote vaccine doses will be imported.
While addressing the reporters, Basavaraj Bommai stated, “Supply will start properly in the coming days. As said by the High Court and the Centre, priority will be given to those due for their second dose.”
Bommai further added, “Everyone will definitely get the vaccine, but it will be staggered and on different dates.”