The Indian Navy said that it will carry on with the rescue operations in the worst affected areas of the Balasore district in Odisha with the destruction caused by Cyclone Yaas. According to an official statement released by the Indian Navy on Thursday, “The Navy Disaster Relief Team was deployed on May 27 at Sadar block of Balasore district for carrying out relief activities in the area around Parikhi village which is the worst-affected due to water clogging.”
The HADR Naval team has established a Community Kitchen at the multipurpose cyclone shelter of Parikhi village in Sardar block. The team was constantly preparing and supplying meals to the fishermen colonies based in Budhigadiya, Nandachak and Boulbeni in Parikhi village for more than 700 personnel.
The second Naval team will proceed towards Talasari to suppl relief packages to cyclone-hit areas of Talsari, Bhograi, Chandramani, and Inchindi villages on Friday. The team has also cleared the roads by chopping the trees reaching Balasore.
Four naval ships carrying relief packages reached Dhamra anchorage to provide assistance to the affected people in the Bhadruk district. As many as 100 food packets with prepared items and 300 dry provision packets were supplied by the teams.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has planned a visit today to Odisha and West Bengal to review the impact of the cyclone Yaas, and accordingly visit Balasore and Bhadruk districts in Odisha and Purba Medinipur in West Bengal, added the officials.