Dakshina Kannada had peaceful polling on Tuesday in districts which includes 106 gram panchayats in Mangaluru, Moodbidri and Bantwal taluks and though the Covid-19 pandemic has a threat catch, the voters were very enthusiastic in terms of exercising their rights.
The polling commenced at 7 am in the morning and gained a gradual pace by noon. The districts registered by morning 9 am an average of 14.48 per cent in the DK district, Mangaluru recorded 14.6 per cent, Moodbidri is 15.64 per cent and Bantwal has 13.7 per cent polling.
Overall, the DK district recorded 75.05 per cent polling, Mangaluru registered 72.23 per cent, Moodbidri records 77.77 per cent and Bantwal 72.82 per cent polling.
Meanwhile, the Asha workers were noted checking the body temperature of the voters with thermal scanners at polling booths, and use of sanitizer was compulsory prior to exercising this franchise.
MLA UT Khader along with his wife exercised the right to vote at the poling booth in ZP Higher Primary School at Boliyar. Khader revealed that the voters were unhappy regarding the anti-poor governance of the Centre and the State governments. He further said the candidates backed by Congress will have a higher edge in the GP elections throughout the Karnataka.
But, the arrangements of elections were not adequate, with plenty mistakes in the voter’s list with mistakes in the names. Also, there were cases were the wife and husband were sent to separate pooling booths at Perne in Bantwal.
The polling officials were directed to forcefully purchase the food, as the location of the booths was in a very remote areas, and the officers were starving.