The Kerala High Court dropped the bail application filed by the suspended IAS officer M Sivasankar, who is also the ex-secretary of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Wednesday. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) was against the bail appeal, emphasizing that he was aware of the smuggling activities of Swapna Suresh. Just as the high court rejected the bail application, ED took M Sivasankar into custody.
Sivasankar, renowned as a powerful bureaucrat, had a downfall in reputation, as he was connected with the gold smuggling case. On Wednesday, he was confined from the Ayurveda Hospital, where his treatment was going on. ED claimed that Sivasankar’s hospitalization and illness was an excuse to escape the investigation.
Previously, the ED had asserted regarding the attempts to bail out Swapna Suresh post capturing the hidden gold in a camouflaged bag which appeared like a diplomatic baggage that reached the UAE consulate in the state capital. The agency has alleged Sivasankar for supporting the main culprits involved in money laundering.
However, Sivasankar revealed to the court that he was questioned and investigated for 90 hours and none of the agencies could frame a case against him.
The gold smuggling case came into highlight on July 5, when 30 kg gold was seized by the customs from the package labelled for UAE consulate, appearing as a diplomatic consignment. Post the seizure, ex-public relations officer P Sarith Kumar, ho was there to receive the luggage was arrested. Further, Swapna Suresh and Sandip Nair were taken into police custody and Sivasankar was suspended.