The Gujarat government announced on Tuesday about the new deduced price of Covid-19 RT-PCR test at Rs, 800, as stated by the Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Patel.
Nitinbhai Patel quoted, “The government (Gujarat) has reduced the price of RT-PCR to Rs. 800. If the patient wants doctors to come home and do the test, then it will cost Rs. 1,100 which will be implemented from today.”
Till the new decision by the Gujarat government, the cost for conducting an RT-PCR test bybthe private laboratories in the state was Rs. 1,500 to 2,000.
The state administration had earlier taken the move of shutting down the city markets in Vadodara which had a lot of crowd gathering and needed to disperse them to avert the surging Covid-19 crisis, on the two days of Sunday and Monday.
Presently, the state of Gujarat has recorded 14,790 active cases of Covid-19 infection, post the addendum of fresh 1,502 infections along with 20 fatalities over the period of last 24 hours, as per the data released by thec State’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department.