The Covid-19 case fatality rate in Bengaluru accounts to only 1.1 per cent and has become the lowest among all the key cities in the country, said Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar on Wednesday.
Sudhakar tweeted, “Bengaluru’s Covid-19 case fatality rate (1.1%) among all major cities in India. With 3,36,880 recoveries and 17,707 active cases as on Tuesday, city’s recovery rate stands at a healthy 93.94 % and active rate stands at 4.93%.”
A picture with the data of the major cities in India was tagged along in the tweet. From the statistics, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Mumbai had the worst fatalities.
The state of Karnataka recorded 1,336 fresh cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday and also had 16 deaths due to the viral infection. As of Tuesday, the total count of Covid-19 cases in the state are 8,64,140 and the total death count is 11,557.
With respect to the overall count of the country, Union Health Ministry revealed on Wednesday the country had single day rise in cases by 38,617 fresh cases and 474 fatalities pushing the total count of the country to 89.12 lakh and death toll of 1.30 lakh.