Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Dushyant Chautela on Saturday stated that the Centre is taking it positively to resolve on a common ground pertaining to the demands of the protesting farmers and expressed hope about reaching a conclusive result with the final round of discussion to be conducted between the Centre and the farmer unions in the 24 to 48 hours.
Chautala, in an interview with ANI, iterated on his self-responsibility being the representative of farmers, to work towards securing their rights. Chautala said, “The way Centre is holding talks they also want a resolution of the issue. I’m hopeful that in 24 to 48 final round of talks will be held between the central government and farmers’ leaders and will lead to a conclusive result.”
Dushyant Chautala had a meeting on Saturday with Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar and Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh and concluded from their exclusive discussion about the chances to have a conclusion adhering to mutual interest.
He further revealed to ANI, “It’s my responsibility as a representative of the farmers to secure their rights. I discussed the matter with Union Ministers, I’m hopeful that a way will be found with mutual consent and the standoff will be resolved. The Center is positive.”
The farmers are protesting along the borders of the capital city against the three contentious farm laws and have further rejected the amendments proposal presented by the Center and demand for repealing the three laws.