India had administered more than 218 million Coronavirus doses as of the data released on June 1, Tuesday, the day the Centre took the call of cancelling the Class XII Board exams of CBSE, following which CISCE took the same step, giving an answer to the rising questions of the students about preparation. Meanwhile, the Delhi High Court said to the Union Government to give higher priority to the younger people over the older ones for Amphotericin-B, the antifungal drug used to treat Mucormycosis, popularly known as black fungus, which is currently in shortage.
Alongside, a count of 218,358,591 vaccine doses have been administered in India as of Tuesday 7 pm. In the day, a count of 950,401 beneficiaries from the 18-45 age group were administered the first dose and nearly 15,467 people were given the second dose. Overall, 21,301,448 individuals throughout the 37 States/UTs were administered the first dose and 39,282 people received the second dose in the phase III of the largest vaccination drive in the world.
For this age group, several states like Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have given doses to over one million people each.