India with the largest vaccination drive in the world has administered more than 170 million doses of Covid-19 as of Sunday, May 9 With the dropping positivity rate in Delhi, strict measures are being taken for the upcoming week with complete restriction of the Delhi metro services and ban on wedding ceremonies conducted in public.
Alongside, as of Sunday 8 pm, a count of 170,153,432 doses have been administered among the masses which comprises of 9,546,871 healthcare workers who received the first dose along with 6,471,090 received the second dose as well, and 13,971,341 frontline workers have been administered the first dose and 7,754,283 have got the second dose also.
Given the age group of 45 to 59 years, 55,174,561 people received the first dose and a count of 6,555,714 have got the second dose also. For the age group of 60 and above, 53,672,259 people are the beneficiaries for the first dose and 14,977,918 are administered the second dose.
Coming to the age group from 18-45 years, which commenced on May 1, a count of 243,958 beneficiaries got inoculated with the first dose on Sunday and an overall count of 2,029,395 have been vaccinated throughout the 30 states and Union territories of the country.