India has administered nearly 150 million vaccine doses against Covid-19 by Wednesday, the day the country has commenced registrations for all the adults who have chosen to be vaccinated. More than 10 million people have registered on the Co-WIN platforms within a few hours post it initiated accepting registrations.
For all, 149,877,121 vaccine doses have been administered in the country by Wednesday, 8 pm. This comprises of 9,366,239 healthcare professionals who have received their first dose and a count of 6,145,854 have been administered the second dose also. Around 12,309,507 frontline workers have been given the first dose and a count of 6,599,492 have got the second dose as well.
Further on, in the age group of 45 – 59 years, 50,975,753 people have been vaccinated with the first dose and another 3,142,239 have also received the second dose. In the category of senior citizens, 51,470,903 people have been vaccinated with first dose along with 9,867,134 have had the second as well.
Considering the statistics for Wednesday alone, 2,049,754 vaccine doses were administered alone. From which, 1,192,394 beneficiaries were administered the vaccine considering the first dose and as much as 857,360 beneficiaries have been given the second dose as well.
Alongside, the country has registered a single day spike of 379,257 Covid-19 infections on Thursday, raising the total tally to 18,376,527. India has also surpassed 200,000 million mark fatalities with a record of 3,645 daily new death count, according to the data released on dashboard as of 8 am.