India on Thursday evening received a consignment of 10,000 rapid testing kits from the Republic of Korea with the extended cooperation amid both the countries, revealed the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.
Bagchi tweeted, “Our continuing cooperation with the Republic of Korea. Welcome the shipment of 10000 rapid testing kits from the Republic of Korea that arrived today.”
The first flight arrived at 16.30 hours having 10,000 rapid testing kits, and the supplies will be directed as a donation for Indian Red Cross Society which will then be processed to hospitals and healthcare centres throughout the country.
The government of the Republic of Korea has continued to support India amid the crisis induced by the ongoing second wave of the pandemic. Three additional flights comprising 100 portable oxygen concentrators, 10 ventilators, 100 negative pressure carriers and 10,000 antigen detection kits (for 250,000 tests) will be reaching the Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi.
On May 9 and May 12, Korea had delivered two plane loads of medical supplies with 230 oxygen concentrators, 100 negative pressure carriers and 200 oxygen carriers. Several countries like the US, UK, Germany, France and Russia have been a solid support to India with the severe Covid-19 second wave and surge in the cases.