India has recorded world’s highest single day surge with the fresh Covid-19 cases of 314,835 along with 2,104 death count amid the previous 24 hours, as per the latest data issued by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Thursday morning.
Presently, the total active cases of the deadly Coronavirus account to 22,91,428 and the overall caseload of the country has surpassed 15.9 million. Both the figures have created a new record thereby smashing the prior records adhering to Covid-19 infections.
Although, the Union Government on Wednesday had released a slew of statistics to depict the severity and virulence adhering to the current second wave of Covid-19, which reflects similarity with the first peak.
Meanwhile several states with higher cases have taken stringent measures of weekend lockdown and night curfew to prevent the contagion of Coronavirus.