As per a new report released by corruption watchdog Transparency International, India has the highest bribery rate amid the Asian countries. Recording the Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Asia, about 50 per cent of the people paying bribes were urged to pay, alongside 32 per cent who utilized personal connections for preference said they would want bribery otherwise.
The report was framed from a survey conducted on 2,000 sample size between the period of June 17 and July 17 this year in India. The report stated, “With the highest bribery rate (39 per cent) in the region, India also has the highest rate of people using personal connections to access public services (46 per cent).” the report said.
Regarding the administrative processes, the report mentioned, “Both national and state governments need to streamline administrative processes for public services, implement preventative measures to combat bribery and nepotism, and invest in user-friendly online platforms to deliver essential public services quickly and effectively.”
The report revealed though reporting of corruption can curb it, but nearly 63 per cent citizens believe when they report corruption, they will get utter retaliation.
The report further highlights about alarming extortion rates in countries such as Malaysia, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia and steps need to be taken to prevent extortion of money or demanding sexual favours against revealing sexual activity of someone with morphed images. It stated, “In several countries, including India, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, sexual extortion rates are also high and more must be done to prevent sextortion and address specific gendered forms of corruption.”
Considering the Indian statistics, 89 per cent think government corruption is a very major issue, whereas 18 per cent people offer briber to receive votes in return and 11 per cent have experienced some form of sextortion or can identify someone who has.
Overall, the survey was conducted in 17 countries, on 20,000 citizens in total. The report reveals from every set of four people, 3 of them think that corruption is a bigger problem in the country and a minimum of one in five experienced situations when they had to pay bribe.
The report further added, “Citizens must have access to safe and confidential reporting mechanisms and governments must do more to ease citizens’ fear of retaliation in reporting corruption. Despite these challenges, citizens are largely optimistic about the future and believe that ordinary people can make a difference in the fight against corruption.”