Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren will be delivering a keynote lecture on the subject of ‘tribal rights, sustainable development and welfare policies in Jharkhand via video conferencing during the 18th annual ‘India Conference’ at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, which will be organized from February 10 to 21, 2021.
Soren has accepted the invitation sent to him on Friday, which is confirmed by the official Twitter handle of the office of the chief minister. The tweet stated, “The Chief Minister has accepted the invitation and thanked the organizers. He will be speaking on tribal rights, sustainable development and welfare policies in Jharkhand.”
The tweet also had a picture of the invite sent to Hemant Soren on Friday, asking his consent for being a keynote speaker at the panel in the ‘India Conference’.
The largest student-run meeting in North America is ‘India Conference’ which is about India and the leading forums for dialogue, discussion, debate, networking platform which is about issues pertaining to contemporary India.
The letter was sent by Suraj Yengde, a PhD scholar and senior fellow at Harvard Kenny school which mentioned that his work was remarkable ““to most of us as you merged a proud tribal indigenous politics with a development agenda…for strengthening of democracy that is locked in caste and feudalistic nepotism”.
The letter further read, “We are looking to have Hemant in the chief ministers’ panel virtually to discuss on the issues of governance, state-centre relations, handling of Covid-19 and the intersections of caste and tribal identities in the current politics.”