Justice Nuthalapati Venkata Ramana on Saturday took the oath as the 48th Chief Minister of India in front of President Ram Nath Kovind amid a brief ceremony organized at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. At the ceremony. Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad and Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu.
Justice Ramana who sworn in as the Chief Justice of India in English will serve the country till August 26, 2022. Born on August 27, 1957 in Ponnavaram village at Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh, Ramana enrolled as an advocate on February 10, 1983.
In June 2000, Justice Ramana was deployed as the permanent judge for Andhra Pradesh High Court. Ramana was also the acting Chief Justice of Andhra Pradesh for Andhra Pradesh High Court briefly in May 2013.
Around the same year in the month of September, Justice Ramana was elected as the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court and in February 2014, he was appointed as the Judge of the Supreme Court. In his legal career, he has death with several High profile cases such as abrogation of Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir, restoration of internet in the valley, reviving Congress government in Arunachal Pradesh and the Right to Information Act. Justice Ramana also headed a bench which urged former chief minister of Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis to carry out a floor test where Fadnavis was asked to prove his majority in the House.