Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa on Monday has presented the budget for the state wherein he emphasized on the slew of measures and allocation in the state Budget inclining towards the safety and empowerment of women. Yediyurappa had mentioned that the Budget 2021 will be beneficial for the women earlier in the day.
The brick and mortar and e-markets for the products put forth in the market by the women entrepreneurs have been mentioned in the Budget where Yediyurappa has emphasized on unique products made by women which will be subjected to exhibition in these platforms.
For the women working in garment factories, Yediyurappa has declared a discounted bus pass for their commute for which Rs 30 crore has been allocated for the scheme.
The budget specific for women along with the children has been implemented under Panchayati Raj. Yediyurappa declared that there will be higher focus on the safety projects by installation of 75,000 CCTV cameras in Bengaluru at an accelerated pace. Further on, Tech-based e-beat will be active during the night hours for assuring women’s safety.
There will be excellent centres assisted by NIMHANS and NLSIU to help the women facing harassment and abuse.
Yediyurappa announced Elevate Women programme for helping the women entrepreneurs which is allocated a budget of Rs 5 crore. He further added a Self Help Group Policy will be established to strengthen SHGs and Women safety and empowerment campaign will be carried out.
Further, there will be upgradation of Anganwadis to Shishu Palana Kendra for supporting the women, said Yediyurappa. The women entrepreneurs in the service sector will be able to get a loan of upto Rs 2 crore with interest of four per cent.
Yediyurappa declared that a minimum of 6,000 micro-enterprises which come under Rural Development and Panchayati Raj which will generate livelihood opportunities for 60,000 women. Further, branding and online market assistance for such enterprises will be catered to women.