Karanataka Chief minister BS Yediyurappa on Monday declared a series of relaxations in the lockdown which comprises resuming of metro and restaurants’ dine in. The state has also permitted outdoor shooting for films and television serials. But, the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC) requested the state government on Monday to give permit for resuming indoor shooting as well. A letter was addressed to Yediyurappa by the KFCC, led by Dr Jayaraj.
The KFCC stated, “We have permission to shoot outdoors, however, we now request permission to shoot indoors as well. The sets that were erected in the studios are getting damaged, therefore, we make the appeal with urgency.” Besides, the damage to the set, the KFCC wrote in the letter about the pathetic condition of the workers in the Sandalwood film industry, and should be given the permission to resume work.
The letter expressed gratitude for the permit given to begin the outdoor shooting. Although, they said several films have been partially shot, and crores of rupees have been invested in them. The sets will get disrupted by stagnancy, and should be used, thereby KFCC made the request. The letter said, “The filmmakers have already invested crores in shooting the films indoors as well as outdoors. In the last lockdown, in keeping with government guidelines, films were being shot. We request an opportunity to resume shooting indoors again.”
The letter also emphasizes on the loss of livelihood for several workers related to the fiolm industry. “The Film Chamber requests you to consider our appeal to resume shooting for the films since it will give back employment and means of earning a livelihood to those workers associated with the industry,” the letter added. KFCC assured that once the permission is granted, they will strictly adhere to all the Covid-19 regulations and Covid-19 appropriate behaviour.
Jayaraj revealed to TNM, “CM Yediyurappa has assured that he will mull over the matter and has assured that he will resolve the issue.”