Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa declared on June 3 the ongoing lockdown in the state which was earlier going to end on June 7, is further extended by a week till June 14. No new relaxations have been announced as of now, except the liquor shops will be permitted to give parcels till 10 am. The decision of extending the lockdown was declared after a meeting with experts, ministers, and top government officials.
Yediyurappa also declared a relief package worth Rs 500 crore for the people in powerloom, film industry, fisher community, temples under the Muzrai department.
During the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdown was first declared on April 27. The state at that time was registering daily Covid-19 cases of 31,000, which reached its peak at 50,112 on May 5.
The lockdown was extended a couple of times in the month of May. The decision taken is in line with the recommendations given by the expert panel committee to extend the current lockdown till the positivity rate in the state dropped below 5 percent and the number of daily cases decline to 5,000. On Wednesday, the state recorded 16,387 fresh cases of Covid-19 with 4,095 cases exclusively in Bengaluru.