The Karnataka Government announced on Saturday about granting the permission to all the shops and commercial establishments which employ 10 or more staff to function for 24 hours in a day. The revised rule is applicable for every day till the duration of 3 years.
The decision was passed into action with the intent of improving the declining economy due to Covid-19 induced pandemic.
The notification regarding the orders was passed by Sandhya Nayak, Deputy Secretary Department of Labor in Karnataka. The notification stated, “The Government of Karnataka after holding an enquiry as required under sub section (2) of section 11 hereby permits all Shops and Commercial Establishments in the State employing ten or more persons to be open on 24 X 7 basis on all days of the year for a period of three years from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette subject to the provisions of sub section (3) of section 12.”
The notification further stated the regular working time to be 8 hours per day and overtime up to 10 hours per day and it also stated the women employees can work in night shift provided transport arrangements are available and their consent letter needs to be a part of the application.
Presently, the state has 11,058 active cases of Covid-19 and the death count citing the virus is 4,321.