Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar has instructed the health officials working in the districts at the state borders to be extra cautious regarding the avian flu outbreak incident in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra and further said the guidelines will be strictly followed in the districts.
In a briefing with the reporters, Sudhakar said, “The avian flu was first noticed in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Though no cases (of avian flu) have come to my notice yet, I have told the health officers in the border districts to be alert.”
The Health Minister was further questioned regarding the teachers and students testing positive for Covid-19 after resuming the schools for class 10 and PUC – second year, to which he said the situation was in control and there was no need to panic. He said, “I want to say that schools and colleges are functioning properly and children have started coming. People have to cooperate for the academic progress of the students.”
Sudhakar said the government has been on high alert and if the students and teachers get infected in numbers then there is an improved medical system for that situation. About the UK returnees, the minister revealed the count of 37 who have been tested positive for Covid-19.
From the 37 people, as many as 10 have been found to be carrying the mutant Covid-19 strain. For the 75 UK returnees who have not been traced, he said he would address the issue to the Home Minister.