Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar revealed on Friday about the state of Karnataka about to be procuring 13,90,000 vials of a vaccine against Covid-19 within two days.
Sudhakar said, “The big good news for Karnataka is that I have received information from the Union Health Ministry that tomorrow or the day after probably we will be receiving 13,90,000 vials of vaccine for the state. It’s big happy news for all of us.”
While addressing the reporters amid the vaccination dry run at a private hospital, Sudhakar mentioned about the vaccine to be first administered to the healthcare workers.
Sudhakar said “We have registered 6.30 lakh healthcare professionals in Karnataka till date. Those who are left out, maybe in some medical or dental colleges, we have requested them to register.” He further said the people with co-morbidities will be the next in line after healthcare workers and those above the age of 60 years and those who worked for the Police and Revenue.
The Covid-19 vaccination dry run is being carried out at across 263 different healthcare centres in the state on Friday. The 263 centres include 24 district hospitals, 20 medical colleges, 31 community health centres, 87 primary health care centres, 43 taluk hospitals and 28 private facilities and 30 urban primary health centres. Sudhakar visited various facilities for reviewing their arrangements and said the preparedness was good enough and the process has been as per the guidelines issued. The first round of dry run of Covid-19 vaccine was in the five districts of Bengaluru, Belagavi, Kalaburagi, Shivamogga and Mysore of Karnataka on December 2, adhering to the Covid-19 norms directed by the Centre.