The Kerala High Court adjourned the court hearing to November 25, pushed by the petitions invoking the Section 118 A of the Kerala Police Act, anticipating for the upcoming developments regarding the issue.
The submission presented by Additional Advocate General representing the Kerala government was noted by a division bench having Chief Justice S Manikumar and Justice Shaji P Chaly which was for which there will be no no adverse action or registration of FIR adhering to Section 118 A and also about reconsideration of the ordinance.
Earlier, leaders from different parties, which includes state BJP president K Surendran, Revolutionarly Socialist Party MP NK Premachandran, had resorted to state High Court regarding section 118 A of the Kerala Police Act.
The state chief minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, had officially declared on Monday about Kerala government putting a hold to Police Amendment ordinance after being lashed out by the Opposition. The law had the objective of putting an end to bullying, insulting or teasing people by any content or circulation through any communication mode. The offenders will be charged with three years imprisonment and or a fine of Rs 10,000 following the law.