Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of lighthouse projects on Friday via virtual conferencing across six locations in different states, which includes one in Madhya Pradesh estimated to Rs 128 crore.
Modi declared the winners under the Affordable Sustainable Housing Accelerators-India (ASHA-India) and also gave the annual awards for implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna Urban (PMAY-U), as per an official release.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan received the second place, which was presented virtually. Modi congratulated Madhya Pradesh for the award. He said, “This use of new technologies has been building houses for projects across the country. This will create quality housing at less cost and less time. Various innovations are being made to use technologies.”
He said, “It performs best in alternative global technology, materials and processes. These are being constructed under GHTC-India which envisages creating a holistic environment for the adoption of innovative technologies in the field of housing construction. These projects will be completed faster than traditional brick and concrete construction.”
Chouhan iterated that the houses will have all the basic amenities and that 7 lakh houses have been sanctioned for 378 bodies in the state. The houses will also be built in an environment friendly manner and will be ready at a very faster pace, he added.