The council of Mangaluru City Corporation has taken the decision to solicit Rs 20 crore from the state government of Karnataka as it acquired 1.25 acres of private land for further widening of the road connecting Morgan’s Gate Junction and National Highway 66 through Mahakalipadpu railway crossing.
Earlier, the Chief Secretary of the state revealed the government would be giving a part of the funds as per the need if the civic body has given their approval for sharing the cost. Post the mutual agreement, 10 crores were to be shared equally amid the MCC and the government for land acquisition, was the decision taken.
According to Premanada Shetty, connecting the city to NH 66 was a crucial alternative. The government urged the MCC for utilization of the available funds under its premium floor area ratio (FAR) account. However, as per the provisions of FAR, the funds cannot be utilized for land acquisition or any compensation payments.
The funds can be channelized only for road widening. The council, thereby, requested the government for Rs 20 crore to pay for acquisition of land.
For the intent of widening the road, as many as 3.75 acres of private land is required. The landowners have given their consent for sharing 2.5 acres via the provisions of transferable development rights (TDR). However, the remaining part of 1.25 acres of land still needs to be acquired.
A part of the Road development project was construction of railway underpass at Mahakalipadpu Railway Crossing, estimated at a cost of Rs 30 crore. The overall cost for railway underpass and widening of road estimates to be around Rs 50 crore. The project is headed by Mangaluru Smart City Limited under Smart City Mission.
The MSCL director had appealed to MCC to clear the funding for land acquisition considering there are no provisions under the Smart City Mission to have funds for land acquisition. The railway underpass at Mahakalipadpu is a very critical requirement of the city residents as it will ease the traffic.