Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal inaugurated via video conferencing e-SANTA, an electronic marketplace for connecting aqua farmers with buyers. While addressing the occasion, Goyal stated e-SANTA will enhance the income-base and improve lifestyle, quality levels, traceability and cater to new options for the aqua farmers.
The e-SANTA platform will be breaking the traditional methods of carrying out of business to become formalized. He said, “e-SANTA will RAISE the lives and income of farmers by – reducing risk, awareness of products and markets, increase in income, shielding against the wrong practice, and ease of processes.”
The e-SANTA platform is a mandatory paperless and end-to-end electronic trade platform amid the farmers and the exporters. The ministry revealed the platform will cater to various languages thereby aid the local population.
The ministry stated, “The farmers have the freedom to list their produce and quote their price while the exporters have the freedom to list their requirements and also to choose the products based on their requirements such as desired size, location, harvest dates among the other things. This enables the farmers and the buyers to have greater control over the trade and enables them to make informed decisions.”
The statement further added, “Once the harvest date is fixed, the buyer goes to the farm gate and the produce is harvested in his presence. After the harvest is completed, the final count, the quantity of material is verified, the final amount is decided and the delivery challan is issued. Once the material reaches the processing plant, the final invoice is generated and the exporter makes the balance payment. The payment is reflected in the escrow account. NaCSA verifies it and accordingly releases the payment to the farmers.”