Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday declared that for all the children whose both parents or guardian have succumbed to the Covid-19 virus will be provided financial assistance under ‘PM-CARES for Children’ scheme. According to a release from the Press Information Bureau (PIB), the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) released a statement that such children will be provided a monthly stipend after 18 years of age aling with afund of Rs 10 lakh from PM-CARES after turning 23.
PM Modi chaired a meeting to discuss and deliberate on the measures to be taken for providing assistance to the children who have lost their parents amid the Covid-19 infection. He declared a number of benefits for such children for protecting and supporting them to assure they grow up as strong citizens of the country with a bright future.
PM Modi said, “In such trying times it is our duty, as a society, to care for our children and instil hope for a bright future. All children who have lost both parents or surviving parent or legal guardian/adoptive parents due to Covid 19 will be supported under ‘PM-CARES for Children’ scheme.”
Some of the measures announced in the meeting are:
- The PM CARES will have a created a corpus of Rs 10 lakh for each child after reaching 18 years of age, which will be used to provide a monthly stipend from 18 years for the next five years for him/her to manage the financial requirements and after turning 23, he/she will receive the lumpsome amount.
- The child till 10 years will be provided an admission in the nearest Kendriya Vidyalaya or in a private school as a day scholar. For private schools, fees according to RTE norms will be paid from the PM-CARES fund, which also extends to uniforms, textbooks and notebooks.
- The child from 11-18 years will be admitted to any central government residential school such as Sainik School, Navodaya Vidyalaya etc. For children with any guardian or extended family, admission will be provided to the nearest Kendriya Vidyalaya or private school as day scholar. For private schools, fees according to RTE norms will be paid from the PM-CARES fund, which also extends to uniforms, textbooks and notebooks.
- The child will be provided financial assistance for obtaining education loan for professional courses according to the current education loan norms, and the interest for which will be paid by PM CARES.
- The children will be registered as a beneficiary of Ayushman Bharat Scheme (PM-JAY) having a health insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh and the premuim amount till 18 years of age will be paid by PM-CARES fund.