Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday assessed the present situation of COVID-19 throughout the country and issued the central teams to visit the three states of Maharashtra, Punjab and Chhattisgarh with the surge in the COVID-19 cases. The central teams will constitute health specialists and clinicians, according to the government sources.
As per the decisions taken in the meeting, commencing from April 6 to April 14, a specific campaign about Covid – appropriate behaviour highlight mask usage, personal hygiene and sanitation at public places and workplaces and the health facilities.
The review meeting was held at the time when the country has recorded 93,249 cases over the last 24 hours, which paces towards the highest spike of 98,000 cases. With the restrictions being imposed due to surge, at the review meeting, three reasons were concluded to be invoking it – severe drop in the Covid – appropriate behaviour, pandemic fatigue and lack of containment measures.
In the meeting with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended by Principal secretary to PM, home secretary, cabinet secretary chairperson (Empowered group on Vaccine Administration), health secretary, DG ICMR, the five-fold strategy was put forth which when implemented would be very effective. The strategy includes – Testing, Tracing, Treatment, Covid appropriate behaviour, and Vaccination.
In the guidelines released by PM to address the COVID-19 situation, the major points are Community involvement to fight the pandemic, Five-point formula, special COVID-19 campaign for Covid appropriate behaviour from April 6 to 14, ramping up of the healthcare facilities, availability of oxygen, ventilators assured for patients under home care, avoiding mortalities, directing the central team to the three states of Maharashtra, Punjab and Chandigarh to review and assess the situation, imposing of restrictions for states with spike in the cases, community volunteers will be participating in tracing the active cases and managing the containment zones, and the mission mode should be on for the states and districts.