Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be conducting two meetings with the District Magistrates (DMs) of several districts across 19 states of the country having a high caseload for assessing the present situation of Covid-19 and several measures were taken to deal with it, revealed the official sources on Thursday.
According to the information given by sources to ANI, “Prime Minister to hold two meetings with DMs of districts with a high caseload. This meeting will be held on May 18th and 20th, with DMs of 46 districts across 9 states and 54 districts across 10 states respectively.”
The meetings will also be attended by the Chief ministers of the respective states to better evaluate the conditions and discuss the possible measures to be taken.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had chaired a high-level meeting on Wednesday to assess the availability and supply of medical oxygen and medicines with the spike in the cases of Covid-19 throughout the country, where he was informed about how the government is actively assessing the drugs which are supplied for the treatment of Covid-19 and Mucormycosis.