President Ram Nath Kovind presented Kiran Bedi with Baton of Honour on Monday along with a letter of appreciation for her adhering to her post as a former Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry. The honoring ceremony was held at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi marking the occasion of International Women’s Day.
Kiran Bedi was awarded with a Baton of Honour which was decorated with the emblem representing the Indian Republic with the appreciation letter presented at the Rashtrapati Bhawan by President Ram Nath Kovind. The appreciation letter was about her relentless and dedicated service whilst working as the Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry.
On February 16, Kiran Bedi was removed from her post as the Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry by the President of India. Meanwhile, Tamilisarai Soundarajan was handed over with the additional charge of Puducherry on February 18.