Over the last three years, an amount of Rs. 3.27 crore allotted from taxpayer money has been used up to maintain the Karnataka Raj Bhavan garden, according to a reply from the RTI application. RTI activist Bheemappa Gadag had registered an application asking for the details of funds used for the upkeep of the Raj Bhawan, which is the official residence of the Governor of Karnataka in Bengaluru, from 2014, when the present Governor Vajubhai Vala took charge.
From the Rs 3,26,98,613 spent during 2014 and 2017, a sum of 2.95 crores was used for the ‘concept, design and master plan for the Raj Bhavan garden. Around Rs. 4.80 lakh were allocated for the flower decoration of Raj Bhawan dining hall, head office along with the VIP lounge. A sum of Rs. 11.59 lakh were spent on the salary of the garden staff and a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs was directed towards flower pots for the official residence of the Governor.
Gadag had filed RTI to know how much of the funds were spent on the Governor who has not delivered to the needs of the people.
A number of RTI applications have been filed, but the Karnataka Raj Bhawan has not revealed the details, and the applications have been turned down by the Karnataka Governor’s office.