SSLC examination schedule may be released in December

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The Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB) is all set to declare the examination schedule of Class 10 Board Exams though there is a rising uncertainty about resuming of schools.

The sources based in KSEEB revealed to media about the instructions directed to them from the Department of Primary and Secondary Education for setting up the schedule. The sources stated, “The minister for primary and secondary education is likely to convene a meeting in this regard in a day or two.”

The instructions completely astonished the KSEEB officials as nothing is clear about the resuming off offline classes in schools and with shooting complaints pertaining to online classes. The sources said, “There are discussions to increase the multiple-choice questions for board exams this year, considering the absence of offline classes. The direction to prepare the time table was a surprise for us also.”

The examination schedule may be officially announced by the third week of December. Though, not much was revealed by the KSEEB officials.

The school management has asked for revelation of the ultimate syllabus after deduction of portion, considering the pandemic situation. D Shashi Kumar, General Secretary, Associated Management of Primary and Secondary Schools in Karnataka said, “The syllabus needs to be reduced considering the current scenario. About 30% has already been cut and there is a need to reduce it further.” Kumar further said, “The online classes are not effective and there is no attendance monitoring tool, no clarity about the reach in rural areas and among government school kids. When this is the scenario, how can we conduct exams based on online classes?”

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