Karnataka Health Minister K Sudhakar reviewed the Covid-19 vaccination arrangements at Manipal Hospital on Sunday as the vaccination drive enters second day.
While addressing the media, Sudhakar said, “I have inspected the arrangements here and I am satisfied with them. They are conducting the vaccination as desired by the government guidelines.”
When asked a question about the 62 per cent turnout in Karnataka on the first day of the drive, Sudhakar responded, “We had official functions on the first day which delayed the vaccination drive by sometime. And, of course, people normally have apprehension on the first day. So, I think 62 per cent is a good turn-out.”
He further added, “A lot more facilities are being provided on the second day. Today, they are confident to achieve the target of 70 to 80 per cent.”
The health minister further ensured that the technical glitches pertaining to the operations of the Co-Win app will be resolved by Monday.
Sudarshan Ballal, the director of Manipal Hospital, was given a dose of the vaccine on Sunday revealed that the vaccine is safe, efficacious, and has a good side effect profile. With a count of 584 fresh Covid-19 cases, the total number of cases in the state amount to 9,31,252. In the last 24 hours, four deaths have been reported, making the total death toll be 12,162. The total hospital discharges account to 676 for January 16, tallying the total to 9,10,377.