The Vadodara Police have busted a racket, which provided with fake marksheets and attempt certificates and allured students who have not cleared class 10 and class 12 examinations. The police officials have detained three people reported t be engaging in making fake degree certificates representing various universities in the state of Gujarat. The Vadodara police officials provided the information that the gang of three prepared fake certificates of 12 different universities.
The police stated, “The racket of providing fake marksheets and degrees from several universities had been running for the past 7 to 8 years.” The police also added that they have recovered certain documents and computers having the copies of the fake certificates.
Further, investigations are in-process to search other people involved in the scam and also to find any connections about any involvement of universities for fetching fake degrees. The scam was out in open when the crime branch officials arrested three additional people post the reported kingpin Dilip Mohite was detained a few days prior.
The cops had, earlier, investigated the Blue Diamond Complex, based in the Fatehgunj region of Vadodara and recovered 500 fake certificates and also confiscated a computer.