The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education S. Suresh kumar said that it was decided to revise the scheduling scheme and implement new measures with improved safety and security measures.
Vidyagama program which began on August 8, was temporarily shut down on October 10. Main Aim of this program is to stop work with parents in rural areas , child marriage and child labor, etc he said.
The Department has undertaken a number of improvements, including the temporary implementation of a new form of security measures at the request of the Supreme Court.
The Vidyagama program is set to take place on the premises of government, aided and unaided schools. The online channels of Chandana will continue as usual. Half-day children can come to school wearing a mask and sit down and learn a lesson. Parental consent is mandatory and children are checked through a thermal scanner at each school. Students with fever, cough, cold symptoms and Covid-19 may not come.
Creating a team of 15-20 students according to the number of teachers available and the number of rooms available. The respective local bodies will be responsible for sanitation and may advise children to bring water from home with them for drinking. There is an opportunity to cooperate with the local health department when necessary. The Minister said that the implementation of the Vidyagama is being implemented with ten other stringent measures.
Vidyagama is not the beginning of school. With a small number of children at once, the lessons are tailored to the available space in the school. Classes are being carried out on a scientific basis with the recommendation of a panel of experts and all kinds of standard operating procedures are carried out on SOP basis. Not everyone is coming at once, as children attend classroom lessons. Mentor teachers in the respective area list a few children in the neighborhood closest to them. Parents should understand that this is not a start of school, the minister said.