Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa will have a sigh of relief as the Supreme Court on Monday stayed put over the order issued by Karnataka High Court order for the trial court to further proceed against the corruption case of supposedly denotifying some land which will benefit private parties.
A bench led by Chief Justice SA Bobde is listening to the petition of Chief Minister against the the HC order issued of declining the plea seeking quashing for the criminal case, passed the notice and put the proceedings against him.
The HC had passed the order to the special trial court for taking cognisance of the offences against Yediyurappa and delve deeper into the matter on thegrounfs of the chargesheet lodged by the Lokayukta Police in 2012.
The private complaint filed against Yediyurappa was about his term amid 2008-12 as Chief Minister where he allegedly illegally de-notified 20 acres from land acquisition proceedings and had given undue favour to the private parties.
The case is about the parcel adhering to the land procured by the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (a government body) in 2006 for establishing a hardware park in Hoovinayajanahalli in north Bengaluru, which was eventually denotified. The allegation against Yediyurappa is for misusing his public office for this intention and in turn invoked loss to the public exchequer.
The same chargesheet had also mentioned about similar allegations going against then cabinet minister Katta Subramanya Naidu about denotifying land parcel in Nelamangala in Greater Bengaluru.